18 Photos Showing The Magic Of Animals Finding Forever Homes

Recent data shows that 68% of U.S. households own pets, and half of these animals were rescued from shelters or the streets. In 2014, 4 million dogs and cats were adopted from shelters, and this number has increased every year, indicating that more animals are finding homes. We would like to share some images and stories of animals who have finally found their forever homes. This list is intended to make you grin. Near the end of the list, you will learn about a rather unique pet that one family adopted.

1. Sinbad: From Tragedy to a New Home

It took more than four hours, and two sittings, to shear Sinbad the Persian cat's fur when the Chicago Anti-Cruelty Society stepped in to save him. The cat had to relearn how to walk on his hind legs after losing more than five pounds of fur. Elliot Serrano picked him up from a shelter with the intention of fostering him until he found a new home, but he eventually fell in love with Sinbad and decided to adopt him himself.