Dogs sometimes behave like children. They believe that all they have to do is close their eyes and paw them. No one can see them. But some of them display a surprising level of creativity when it comes to finding cozy places where they can hide from us.
We've compiled a gallery of some of the best images of man's best friend making an effort to hide. You just can't see him, right?
This dog seems to have forgotten that he is no longer that little puppy that he once hid so easily.

As dogs grow, they sometimes forget that they are no longer as small and agile as they once were. Just like people, dogs age, but their sense of play remains strong. Remembering the time when they could easily hide under furniture or squeeze into small spaces, older dogs may find themselves stuck or unable to fit in as comfortably as they once did when trying to do the same. Despite their size, their determination to play hide-and-seek never fades, demonstrating their eternal youth.