Pretend to be a sweater - A classic disguise.

In the world of dog hide-and-seek, the classic disguise never goes out of style. One of the most popular tactics is to blend in with a pile of clothes or hanging clothing by pretending to be a sweater. Due to their natural camouflage and ability to curl up into a tight ball, dogs can easily mimic the look of a folded sweater, remaining unnoticed until an unsuspecting owner comes looking for them. It's a timeless strategy that proves that dogs are not only skilled players, but masters of deception.
Nice try...
Despite their best efforts, not all hiding attempts are successful for dogs. Sometimes their chosen hiding spot may be too obvious or they simply cannot resist hiding with a wagging tail or a playful bark. But even if caught red-handed, dogs never lose their enthusiasm for the game. Each attempt, successful or unsuccessful, is met with encouragement and praise from their loving owner, strengthening the human-canine bond and ensuring that every game of hide-and-seek is filled with fun and laughter.