Well, I'm going to be waiting a long time while they look for me, so maybe I should wait somewhere with food.
During a game of hide-and-seek, dogs are often faced with the dilemma of choosing between a cozy hiding place and the temptation of food. While waiting to be discovered, some dogs choose to hide near a food bowl so that they won't get hungry if they are discovered early. This is a strategic move that combines practicality with luxury, allowing the dog to satiate their appetite while patiently waiting for the game to unfold.
I told you it would fit!
Despite their best efforts, not every hiding attempt goes according to plan for dogs. Sometimes they misjudge the size of the space or overestimate their agility, resulting in comical situations where they get stuck or are unable to squeeze into their chosen hiding spot. In these moments, dogs may look to their owners for reassurance and assistance, while their expressive eyes show a mixture of confusion and resignation as they accept the fact that their hiding spot is not as comfortable as they had hoped.