The First Thing You Should Teach Your Dog


The heel command is one of the most important commands a dog can learn because it gives you control when walking your puppy. Not only does this command prevent pulling and restraint aggression, it also focuses their attention on you instead of other distractions.

please sit down

"Sit" is the first command most dogs learn and is a great foundation for other commands. Not only does it keep your puppy from jumping on people and other animals, it's also a great starting point when teaching commands like "stay there" and "come." Plus, sitting teaches your puppy to be calm and respectful at mealtimes, especially if you have guests. Start training your puppy to sit by placing a treat in your hand and moving it in front of his nose. Once he's focused, slowly lift it behind his head to encourage him to sit.


The Stay command is one of the most important skills you can teach your dog. It helps prevent her from getting stuck and getting hurt. Start by teaching your dog to sit or lie down using hand signals. Hold your palm and say "Stay." Once your dog stays five consecutive times, you can extend the duration of each stay. Increase the required time by 2-3 seconds each session until she is able to hold the catch longer.

Please come

Training your dog to come when called is the most important thing you can do for their safety. Not only will this keep them close, but it could also save your life if he gets lost or runs away. To properly train your puppy, put on the collar and leash, get down to their level and gently tug on the leash and say "Come on!" When they come running back to you, reward them with love and a treat! The great thing about this workout is that it can be done anywhere, anytime, and it's fun. There are several ways to teach your dog the like command, so choose the method that works best for you and your dog.


Teaching your dog how to lie down is the foundation for teaching your dog many other valuable skills, like sit and stay. It also helps your puppy relax when you visit friends or take him for walks. To teach your dog to lie down, start by praising him when he exhibits the behavior and using treats as reinforcement. Gradually add verbal cues and gradually phase out hand-feeding.